An unstable, experimental prototype Kreature's nucleus accidentally grew inside its of own heart, which subsequently mutated into a wholly separate organism. It has a watertight, translucent membrane to prevent itself from drying out. It is known to be docile, affectionate, loyal, and makes a good pet. Its rhythmic throbbing can induce a soothing feeling in its Tamer via infrasound. It stores up extra blood and can superheat it to scald an opponent. If need be, it can take a genetic sample from an organism and copy its blood type and composition, allowing it to supply blood for transfusions.
And it speaks in high pitched beeps like an EKG
The Heartling is one of the few kreatures that just creeps me out. It’s literally a walking heart and those solid black eyes really give it an extra air of weirdness. However, even it has a use and a rather good one at that!! 🙂