This Kreature lies in wait for its prey underground, attached to a pod connected to prehensile roots which seize its prey. In the event that it needs to fight or escape, its stem can detach from the subterranean pod for greater agility and then take root elsewhere. Usually the victim is constricted and torn to pieces, but sometimes it will keep the prey intact, deposit seeds into the orifices, and dispose of it; the seeds will then germinate and use the carcass as fertilizer. Wyrmflowers are used by the military as biological booby-traps, trained to immobilize their prey rather than kill it.
This is one bad#ss plant. 🙂
One of your best designs, IMO.
Ben-peril jokes aside, this one has very quickly become one of my favorites. The four-way jaws and radial symmetry all drive home that this is a plant that evolved for mobile predation from the ground up, rather than being based on any sort of animal.
The name also makes this another example of the “minor dragon elements making a non-dragon pop more” style of kreature. Though I’d say dravenger still rules that category.
Updated Comment: Wyrmflower is not only one of my favorite Rank B kreatures, it is also one of the best plant monsters I’ve seen. I love the jaws, four eye stalks, everything!!! I’m glad that you decided to show off this wonderful beast early in the series. 🙂