The algae growing in Grassquatch‘s fur and skin has antibiotic properties, so when prolong exposure to cold weather causes the algae to die off it becomes vulnerable to infection by a parasite that forcibly transforms it into its meta-form: Yetigore. No longer shy and reclusive, it has mutated into a crazed, bloodthirsty, rampaging cannibal, its parasites affecting its pituitary gland, leaving it in a perpetual state of hunger. Upon seizing its prey with its claws it will inject it with ice, which renders the victim immobile as they’re eaten alive. Although a genetic patch can be used to help Grassquatch metamorphose without parasites, Yetigore remains an exceptionally vicious Kreature that only the most skilled Tamers can handle.
Yetigore is an great meta-form for Grassquatch. Pretty interesting that a parasite causes it to transform in the wild. All in all, this kreature is a pure savage and I dig it.