Introducing a new side-comic: Battle Kreaturez Cast QnA! These can be considered semi-canon; the answers are truthful unless/until they’re contradicted by the main story. This ask is actually a remake of a question from a series of questions I did years before. Once the entire main cast has been introduced I’ll likely open the floor to new questions. Could be fun!
When I started doing the Intervals, I said I’d use them to experiment with different art styles, but so far I haven’t done that yet. I managed to finish this page in just a few hours! I’ll continue using this style for the QnA feature and I might do some Intervals in this style too.
I’ve met horses, and I’ve met camels, and of the two I will take the camel any day. Kastal feels, to me, like a big goat. Sheer determination at the expense of those around it!
Also, injured smolKristy triggers my Big Sister Instinct something fierce.
Great job on the Kastal here. It looks very impressive. Poor Kristy though. xp
I honestly didn’t think that there’d be a known Kreature that she’d be wary around.