It’s the third week into the comic and I’ve finally introduced one of my main characters! I need to build up a backlog and start posting more frequently. That said, it’s a good thing I’m drawing these pages weeks in advance because the 5th panel on this page was just awful in the initial version; I managed to salvage it just a few days before posting this. The panel layouts on these early pages are… functional, but unimaginative. I was rusty at comic making when I started work on this chapter. This intro panel for Ben is where they start to get a bit more dynamic.
Posts Tagged Jagaldie
A month in and we’re finally seeing a goddamn battle in a webcomic called “Battle Kreaturez”. I need to put my nose to the grindstone and build a bigger backlog so this doesn’t take another four weeks just to finish. But drawing comics is haaaaaaard ;____; For a fight scene this panel layout is still too overly utilitarian and not dynamic enough. Oh well, at least you can tell what’s going on.
Ben’s humiliation continues. I feel like this page was where I finally shook off the rust and hit my stride in regards to comic making. I’ve standardized my approach to constructing the pages, and the artwork and panel layout have become more dynamic.
Fighting fighting fighting more fighting. I wasn’t satisfied with the initial drawings for this page and ended up redrawing most of it. I think the kick and the blade block are the only panels left over from the first version.
Skyler was a very recent addition to the story. Like, so recent that if I hadn’t gotten delayed this summer he’d have never appeared at all! I threw him in as just some mean jock to kick Ben while he’s down but he intrigued me so I decided to expand his role and elevate him to major character status.
EDIT April 19th, 2019
As I mentioned previously, Skyler was added to the story late during its development. In the original version of Chapter 01, Ben just fought some random Tamer, but after making Skyler into a major antagonist, I decided it would be better if he fought Ben instead, so I George Lucased him into the previous pages. This necessitated redrawing page 9 to preserve the story flow.
Chapter 01 draws to a close on a nice even number. I’d initially planned on having a few more pages after this one but they didn’t add much to the story and I want to introduce the rest of the characters sooner rather than later.
Also, I was hoping that I’d be able to draw more than ten pages before being forced to take a sabbatical, but my Yiynova MSP19U+ has been damaged, I don’t know how soon I’ll be able to get it repaired and this is the last page left in my buffer. I can’t even use the filler pages I prepared in advance for this exact sort of situation because they feature characters that haven’t been introduced yet -___- Soyeah. I might not have another page done in time for next Friday.
Starting up this webcomic has just been one unmitigated disaster after another. What a phenomenally shitty year 2015 has been.
This title page ended up being way more work than I bargained for, but I’m really proud of how it turned out. Eventually I’ll probably go back and draw a title page for Chapter 01. That fucking river nearly drove me mad. Clear, shallow water is surprisingly difficult to draw.
I might publish other webcomics someday under the “Amphurious Comics” brand, but for now my plate is full with Battle Kreaturez. I took the picture of the toad in that logo myself; the same individual appeared in our yard multiple times over the course of 2015. I hope she survives the winter!
Characters who wear the exact same clothes all the time are a personal pet peeve of mine. Since mindlinking essentially turns the Kreature into an extension of the Tamer’s body, Kreature Tamers are considered a type of martial artist. So I put Ben in a martial arts uniform :>
Saturday already? Shit, I better get my ass in gear, I’ve only got one more page left in my buffer! Damn thing shrinks in no time with this twice-a-week updating schedule. Sometimes I feel like I’m running in place. That splash panel of the Wyldcard team’s Kreatures fighting the Wyrmflower wrecked me but I rather like how it turned out.
Check out the Art Gallery for a textless version of the first panel. Also, I finally added profiles for Dennis and Wally to the cast page!